22 DEC 2023 by ideonexus
What Will be Left After the AI Bubble Pops?
Every bubble pops eventually. When this one goes, what will be left behind?
Well, there will be little models – Hugging Face, Llama, etc – that run on commodity hardware. The people who are learning to “prompt engineer†these “toy models†have gotten far more out of them than even their makers imagined possible. They will continue to eke out new marginal gains from these little models, possibly enough to satisfy most of those low-stakes, low-dollar apÂ...Folksonomies: technology ai
Folksonomies: technology ai
20 OCT 2018 by ideonexus
The Problem with American Politicians Being Lawyers
The job of the politician in America, whether at the local, state, or naA tional level, should be, in good part, to help educate and explain to people what world they are living in and what they need to do if they want to thrive within it. One problem we have today, though, is that so many American pobliticians don't seem to have a clue about the flat world. As venture capitalist John Doerr once remarked to me, "You talk to the leadership in China, andid they are all the engineers, and they g...16 JUL 2013 by ideonexus
Innovation is Not Enough
The idea that successive waves of innovation are the main driver of long-term performance in a new or emerging business—or an existing one, of course—appears to be sound when viewed in the abstract. Clearly, innovations in technology, processes, and methodology have occurred, sometimes dramatically, in the U.S. and world economies. Whole new businesses emerged over the past two centuries as advances in manufacturing, transportation, services and communication came in sometimes rapid, succ...Folksonomies: innovation business
Folksonomies: innovation business
A lesson from the dotcom era of business, where companies thought if they could simply out-innovate competitors they would survive despite burning through investment money.